We have done work in a number of areas. Select which ones you would like to see from the menu below, or select a pdf to print out.

We have done work in a number of areas. Select which ones you would like to see from the menu below, or select a pdf to print out.
CommunicationsWe have undertaken projects for a diverse range of organisations, Government, corporate in the not for profit sector.
I finished a four-year project in 2005 exploring the communications needs of eight Pacific national churches affiliated to the Council for World Mission. This wide-ranging consultation involves visiting each island, auditing their existing communications and preparing a new strategic plan for each place. The project includes detailed analysis of the communication structures of member churches in American Samoa, Kiribati, Nauru, Papua New Guinea, Samoa, Solomon Islands New Zealand and Tuvalu. I was account manager for the Pacific Project and led a team of four consultants.
Kiwiparent is the national publication of Parents Centres New Zealand. Published bi-monthly, the magazine has a circulation of around 40,000 and a readership of 300,000. It is sold through retail outlets and has a wide subscription base. It is a full colour, perfect bound magazine distributed nationally, designed to appeal to families who are expecting a baby, or who have preschoolers up to the age of six years. As editor (appointed in 1996), Leigh is responsible for planning, editing, design and layout, soliciting articles, photos and graphics and managing relationships with head office, sponsors, marketing managers and advertisers.
As Communications Advisor to the Council, Leigh is contracted to provide wide ranging communications advisory services, including developing and implementing a full communications strategy, as well as providing media advice and management.
Leigh was contracted to create and implement communications strategy to deliver consistent quarantine awareness messages throughout the south Pacific — New Zealand, Fiji, Samoa, Tonga and the Cook Islands. This included identifying key messages common across all countries, then adapting these to take into account the culture and practices in each country. The media strategy crossed print, radio television and personal presentations made through village networks. The communications strategy was to deliver to both internal and external audiences. I travelled to each country and spent time managing the launch and roll out of the initiative.
The Family Safety Teams programme was a partnership between New Zealand Police, Ministry of Justice, Child, Youth and Family, and a range of community- based organisations, including Women’s Refuge, Jigsaw and NNSVS designed to close gaps identified in responses to violent family situations. I was contracted to provide wide ranging communications advisory services to this project, including developing and implementing a full communications strategy, providing media advice and support and chairing National Steering Committee meetings.
Launched in 2003, this 100 page full colour publication serves a one-stop shop for a wide range of topics to do with pregnancy and birth in New Zealand. As editor of this publication, I was responsible for planning, editing, design and layout, soliciting articles, photos and graphics and negotiating with head office, sponsors, and advertisers.
I acted as print consultant to NZAid for the multi-million dollar project to print books and resources for years 9 to 11 in the Solomon Islands. Responsibilities included preparing the tender documents, being a member of the tender panel, liasing with printer and NZAid representatives as necessary, checking proofs and attending meetings. As the project rolled out, I had further responsibility for auditing processes and ensuring compliance and excellence from printer in New Zealand, Curriculum Development Department in Solomon Islands and distribution processes.